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Zero Copays

No Shipping and Handling Charges to You

Please Note:
The term “Free” refers to “No Cost” to the individual members
(no copay, no shipping, no enrollment, or any type of fees).
Although your plan pays for the medications, the savings are substantial.
Therefore, the plan shares the benefits of those savings in the form of no costs to the member.

Simple. Safe. Smart.

CANARX sets the standard for prescription medication safety and savings. Sourced in federally-designated countries, brand-name medications are shipped straight to you in their sealed, original packaging. You pay nothing thanks to the exceptional savings CANARX brings to your health plan when you use this optional program. It’s just that simple.

All member copayments have been waived for this program only.

Enroll today and be on your way to more cost-effective and convenient medications shipped right to your door.